A Letter from Lindy Jan 7

“The Wise Men’s Dream” by Lauren Wright Pittman

Beloved Pilgrims,
This first week of January 2024, your pastor must have left her brain in 2023 because as early as January 2nd, I missed a board meeting with DCIA that did not carry over to my 2024 calendar, even though I know it is a recurring meeting….so I double booked my time. I could forgive myself one, but when a calendar conflict arose again on Thursday because I failed to add to the schedule a meeting I was instrumental in championing, I wanted to call a do over…..Hopefully, I will get it together by Sunday and not miss glimpses of God on the actual epiphany. Fingers crossed!
Before we jump too quickly into the happenings of January, I would like to pause a moment for the season on which the door closes Saturday. The twelve days of Christmas flew by in the flurry of winter weather. I want to convey my joy and gratitude for the Pilgrim rhythms of Advent and Christmas–they nourish and nurture me every year, from the Hanging of the Greens to Christmas Eve, and even the Sunday thereafter holds a special, cozy place in my heart. When I reflect on all the ways Pilgrim comes together to share presence, prayer, voice, activity, song, light, I am deeply grateful for the role you entrust in me to be your shepherd and guide along the Way. I pray in each movement you feel the anticipation of what is to come, staying alert of the ways in which the Holy reveals themselves in the ordinary and the unexpected. I experience the divine in our incarnational gathering where we entwine our stories with sacred ones and feel God’s breath on our necks as we lean in to holy possibility. I can’t imagine ushering in kindom on earth alongside anyone else but you.
For all of you who responded to Felix’s and my “asks” of you throughout this season, your “yeses” were marked by divinity’s imprint.
Sunday, we welcome Jada Poteat to the choir loft to lead and guide all things musical. 
She is completing her choral studies in Greensboro and is an active member and guest director with SONAM, among her many other amazing endeavors. We are so grateful for her “yes” to Pilgrim to help us during Ali’s parental leave. We will covenant with Jada Sunday for her time with us, knowing that we will leave an imprint on each other’s lives. I can’t wait to see what God might be hoping for these next few months!
Thank you all for your integral part of epiphany.
Pastor Lindy (she/her) why pronouns matter
How does a weary world rejoice? We allow ourselves to be amazed.

Melinda Keenan Wood