A Letter from Lindy Feb 11


 One of the items on my January to do list that helps me to review the past year is analyzing the landscape of my monthly spending. Yes, I am one of those who diligently tracks all of her receipts to help me see those hidden places where I spend money, sometimes without even realizing it. As one who rarely uses cash, this is an important discipline for me–weekly, monthly, yearly–as I continue to learn how to live into a different budget than before. Thanks to my trusted financial planner who helped set me on this stewardship course. What I have noticed over the past few years of so doing is the dramatic increase in my grocery spending, even though my habits have reduced to feeding one rather than two. Much as we read in the headlines, we, the people, continue to feel inflation in our everyday lives with the increased cost of well, just about everything! The impact is very real and tangible.

 The church is also not immune to inflation, hence why our stewardship campaign set a goal that  increased our pledge amount after careful deliberation , holding with care and prayer the lives of all Pilgrims. Grateful am I for our budget and stewardship teams who ably shepherded us through the process. Well done good and faithful servants!

 One of the essential pocket ministries where the increased cost of groceries is acutely being felt is in our preparing and serving our neighbors through Urban Ministries. Even with our streamlined process that we have down to a science, (thanks to the Whitakers,) we are no longer feeding the community on the monies we have been historically through Penny Sunday. Our treasurer has shared that we have been running a deficit for some time and not recouping with each replenishment, thus the deficit continues to grow with each outpouring of our love through food. We are currently maintaining a deficit of $170, while also looking to prepare and serve again in April and July and October and December–which surely will add to that figure. In addition to the loose change we collect on the third Sunday of the month, we have an opportunity to give a little extra through our website. Knowing that this is one of our most
cherished ministries, I pray that by sharing this need with you, we will work together to eliminate the deficit and grow our fund so that we can continue to share God’s love through what we cook and serve.

 grace and love,

Pastor Lindy

(she/her) why pronouns matter

Melinda Keenan Wood